Dental implants typically are used to support a range of restorations such as crowns, bridges and dentures.
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Explaining Implants
There is a wide variety of types of implants now available that are used to achieve different goals.
But the one thing they all have in common is that they anchor the restoration so that the artificial teeth can correctly do their job.
Dental implants also prevent the adverse effects of missing teeth.
The shape of a dental implant is similar to that of a screw with threading around it. This thread not only facilitates the implant insertion into the correct location but also encourages bone growth, thus “locking” the implant into the jawbone.
This process is called Osseointegration. It usually takes anything from 3 to 6 months to occur correctly.
Osseointegration allows for a structural and functional connection between the bone and the implant. There is no soft tissue formation at the interface between bone cells and the implant’s titanium.
The bone’s bony tissue (osteoblasts and supporting connective tissue) migrates into the anatomy of the dental implant. Thus, bone is directly connected with titanium and with no other tissue, including scar tissue.
This process of a living tissue connection with an inert alloplastic material has revolutionised medical science.
Once the dental implant has firmly embedded into the bone, it can support several restorative options such as crowns, bridges and dentures.
Osteointegration anchors the implant “root” to the bone – fixing it in place.
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Bone Retention
As a direct result of being in the jawbone, the dental implant also stimulates and maintains the bone around the implant.
This is just as it would with natural roots in the bone – this is an essential benefit of implants.
When teeth are lost, the bone loses its function and purpose. The gradual bone loss in the jaws can give an aged appearance as the jaws become thinner.
Bone loss is one of the main reasons why dentures become loose over time.
The loss of teeth means that the bone no longer has any purpose.
For this reason, we usually recommend that if you have a tooth extracted, you consider its replacement with an implant sooner rather than later to prevent this type of bone loss.