How Many Veneers Do I Need?

Cosmetic dentist Dr Doshi answers how many veneers you’ll likely need for a full smile makever.

The typical amount of veneers is 6-10

For a complete smile makeover, patients often choose to have 8 or 10 veneers per jaw – but it’s also rather typical to focus on the first six visible teeth of your smile. This is typically the number celebrities might opt for when wanting to improve their smile. But it all depends on the look you want to achieve.

How it typically works

The number of veneers you need is typically worked out during your consultation—you might think you need a certain number, and we might need to place a few and then use other treatments like bonding or whitening to perfect the final look of the smile.

In regular cases, patients choose to have 4 veneers. This is because they have four major problem teeth they want to hide, and the rest can be improved using other inexpensive methods.

In these cases, the corrected front teeth are uneven, crooked, or have gaps, but the back teeth are often in good alignment.

The patients here often want a natural smile that suits them and merges with the teeth that are not being treated. Here, we can whiten and brighten the lower in unison to blend with your smile.

Patients can always choose to have additional veneers in the future if they choose to.

Pay Monthly With 0%

Pay monthly with 0% interest for amazing, discreet dental solutions that realign your smile. Our recommended veneer treatments have left thousands of our patients feeling better and more confident about their appearance and the way their smile functions.

Deciding on how many

Ask yourself these three questions:

  1. How big is your smile? How many teeth show?
  2. Are your teeth discoloured? Do you want your teeth to be whiter?
  3. Would you like to change the overall shape, size, and contour of your teeth?
  4. How many teeth do you think need complete masking?

Ultrathin Veneers, Durathin Veneers and Lumineers involve no drilling or injections since no tooth is being cut.

Before & After Gallery

See what our patients look like before and after veneers so you can gain a better idea of how they’re going to look and work for you.