Invisalign Qualifications and Accreditations

Deciding on an Invisalign Provider

Qualified Invisalign Orthodontists

When it comes to choosing the right provider for Invisalign, it can be a difficult job – especially if you’re not aware of specific distinctions.

It’s not just about fixing your smile, but increasing your confidence in your smile – and this begins with having faith in your provider.

Seeing as experience can vary widely between Invisalign providers, it’s essential to know the several different types of Invisalign qualifications.

What you need to know about Invisalign ratings

In orthodontics, credentials are essential! That’s why Invisalign have formulated tiers where they rank experts and the ability to give you a smile you deserve.

Not every clinic is lucky to receive plaudits from Invisalign.

The Invisalign ratings are based on the number of cases that the dentists treat every year, as opposed to the orthodontist’s skill.

For example, a Bronze Provider could indicate that they are new to Invisalign. It could actually mean that the dentist recommends the best treatment for the patient rather than pushing just for Invisalign.

Undergoing a consultation is the best way to gauge theirs and our expertise. Book one here.

straighten teeth with invisalign

Invisalign certifications overview

✔Bronze: Orthodontist has started 0-4 patients over six months

✔Silver: Started 5-23 patients over six months

✔Gold: Started 24-29 cases

✔Gold Plus: Started 30-59 cases

✔Platinum: Started 60-99 cases

✔Platinum Plus: Started 110-139 cases

✔Diamond: Started 140-199 cases

✔Diamond Plus: Started 200+ cases

Bronze Provider

A bronze provider of Invisalign refers to dentists who have had success treating a small number of patients with the transparent aligner treatment system.

The classification system is designated to show progress to potential Invisalign patients. Bronze providers can progress to silver, gold and eventually platinum status, which will show that they have helped more than 300 patients achieve gorgeous smiles.

Bronze Providers achieve the minimum yearly requirement for any Invisalign-approved dentist.

Silver and Gold Provider

If you are a Gold Invisalign Provider, you must treat around 25 cases every six months, bringing the total to a minimum of 50 Invisalign cases.

Regarding Silver Providers, they must provide a minimum of 10 successful Invisalign cases per year. They would have also had to complete 10 Invisalign classes.

smile guide for invisalign parents

Platinum Elite Provider

Platinum Providers usually have to complete over 50 Invisalign treatments within six months.

On top of this, to achieve this status, they would have needed to have treated 300-lifetime patients. Once a dentist has reached this level, they are considered Invisalign experts.

At this status, dentists are often among a few in Europe who have treated the most patients using the revolutionary clear brace system.

Diamond Provider

This is the highest certification and accreditation that Invisalign provides. To maintain this status, a Diamond Provider has to complete more than 150 cases a year to hold their qualification and title.

Due to their Invisalign skill, this group of dentists are elite and part of the top 1% of orthodontists nationwide.

Does the level of provider matter?

To summarise, we would encourage patients to go with a dentist they trust, one that has solid reviews is not salesy and provides you with all the information you need upfront.

At the end of the day, it does not matter if your closest provider is only a Bronze or Gold provider – they must know how to correctly and accurately diagnose your problem and suggest the appropriate course of action.

Without a doubt, experience goes a long way. Invisalign, like many medical devices, is a tool that should be used in the hands of professionals, so theoretically speaking a Diamond provider is in a better position to take the proper steps.

But whatever your choice, we suggest seeking treatment from a licensed, experienced orthodontist practice like The Perfect Smile.

Book an Invis consultation. Or learn more about our Invisalign packages here.
