How Long Do Composite Veneers Last? (The Truth)

How long do composite veneers last on front teeth?

You’ll have to renew your veneers every 5-7 years.

Before we discuss the nuances of how to make your veneers last longer, let’s answer your question quickly. Composite veneers are durable, but they do not last forever.

On average, the non-permanent veneers last between five and seven years; when this ends, you’ll need to replace or renew them.

If you know anything about composite veneers, you’ll know just how easy and affordable this process is (that is, if you want to keep them after their lifespan ends, as some patients upgrade their veneers to porcelain after this time).

Why do porcelain veneers last longer than composite veneers?

Porcelain veneers are more expensive than composite veneers, but they can last 10-15 years with the right care and maintenance. Some porcelain veneers have even been known to last as long as 20 years, and no other type of permanent veneer comes close to this level of longevity.

They last longer than composite veneers because they are stronger.

Composite veneers require a composite resin to be directly sculpted onto the tooth, so just like a filling, they can sometimes chip and wear.

On the other hand, porcelain veneers are thin shells bonded to your teeth, which are stronger and made from better materials. However, this does not make them chip-resistant; it’s just that sometimes, more patients are cautious with them.

Read more: Composite Veneers Vs Porcelain Veneers.

The fact is, custom-made veneers are more durable

Dental veneers made in a dental laboratory, like porcelain veneers, are more durable. As they are crafted in a controlled environment, the aesthetics are fine-tuned, and the material is of better quality as it involves meticulous work. That said, you can get a type of composite veneer which lasts longer (that’s because they are made in a lab). Indirect composite veneers, for example, will last 20% longer than conventional direct types, which are placed chairside the same day.

composite veneer packages

How can you help extend the durability of your composite veneers?

The main problems with composite veneer deterioration are chips, staining, and erosion (just like your natural teeth are susceptible to). So, in that case, you will need to take great care of your oral health, gums and teeth to extend their lifespan and keep them looking fresher for longer.

Refusing to regularly go to a dentist for a check-up or keep up with standard at-home cleaning routines can decrease the number of years that can last. On top of this, if you have a bad habit of chewing on hard things like pens or even your nails, you’ll also be contributing to their wear and tear.

It’s recommended that you watch what you eat and drink when you have composite veneers. Hard foods like sweets and nuts can chip your veneer. But don’t worry if this happens; it’s easily repaired and will typically take an hour up to £250 to fix.

You also likely won’t be an incredible candidate if you grind your teeth, which we’ll need to discuss before you get veneers. Bruxism might require you to wear a special retainer to ensure your veneers remain intact while you sleep.

Read next: How much does composite veneer cost?

before and after ultrathin veneers

You might not want your veneers to last forever

Composite veneers do an incredible job of improving your smile. They can improve the colour, shape, and size of your teeth all in one sitting. They don’t require injections, enamel removal, or drilling and can be completed chairside without using any local anaesthetic, taking only a few hours for a full smile.

But their one major benefit of being no-prep veneers is that they’re not permanent, which means they make no changes to the teeth lying underneath – for this reason, they’re so popular. So as the time changes and trends come and go, you’re not stuck with the veneers and the smile you wanted seven years ago, instead you can choose to renew them and change their size or shape, or to go back to your natural teeth. The choice is up to you.