How long do dental fillings take to do?

How long fillings take

Direct fillings take one appointment, and indirect fillings take two. The length of time to restore any tooth will depend upon the treatment’s complexity, extent of damage and the number of fillings required.

filling process

Types of filling | How long do they take? | Problems

As well as “filling in” the cavity, we aim to preserve the natural anatomical contours of the tooth to maintain and stabilize the correct aesthetics and functioning of the teeth.

When carrying out these fillings, we aim to re-create the natural aesthetics of teeth and hence use special techniques to give additional cosmetic properties to the filling, such as:

  • Making teeth appear more translucent or more opaque giving the illusion of life-like teeth.
  • We can play with light reflection and light refraction to produce a more youthful appearance.
  • We can contour teeth with additional texture to give a more realistic appearance.
  • We can now perfectly match a filling to the surrounding tooth tissue to appear “invisible”.

how long do they last?

Using superior quality materials carried out by experienced, highly skilled dentists, you can be assured your fillings will last up to a decade. 

Begin with a check-up

If you have had fillings in your mouth for a number of years or have toothache, book in for a check-up to asses their condition. More. 

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